Keep watch for the unexpected coming of Christ! Its unexpectedness, however, does not change its certainty (note the Theme Verse) or our prayer (note the Prayer of the Day). Rather, the coming of Christ defines our present time because we know that he comes with unexpected judgment on the unbelieving world and unexpected grace for his people. We are filled with hope, with love, and with light. With anticipation in our hearts, we long for the fulfillment, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
Jesus was mocked as “King of the Jews.” This same Jesus rose from the dead and will return gloriously at the end of time, reigning gloriously forever.
What will Christ’s glorious reign look like?
Worship audio from 26 November 2017.
MN River Valley Pastors' Conference of 14 Nov 2017 at St. John, Sleepy Eye MN. Worship theme was "Reformation 500...but what now?" Pastor Hagen preached.
Luther struggled with voices, as we all do: the voices of our parents' expectations, the voice of the conscience, the voice of authority figures, the voice of Scripture, the voice of guilt / shame / doubt / fear, the voice of temptation. How did he – and how shall we – listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd? Scripture alone.
Worship audio from October 15, 2017. Bulletin here.
Repentance & Obedience:
The Verse of the Day reminds us that one day, every one will bow before Jesus of Nazareth and confess him as Lord. Some will do so in grief and others in joy. God wants real repentance from every sinner they might bend the knee to Christ in true obedience and confess with gladness that Jesus is Lord.
How does the humiliation of Christ encourage our obedience?
Image used with permission from
God’s Church has always been intended for all people. Today’s lessons teach that the gift of grace given to Israel, God also intended to give through Israel to the world. The Church is meant for all people: a display of God’s mercy and a result of the living and active Word of God.
But what happens when grace is taken for granted?
Bulletin here.
Bulletin here. Audio includes the end-of-worship announcement of a call to serve at St. John's of Two Rivers, WI.